Pray for Whitney Houston’s family and friends

Hello people,

I know it has been some time that I have been on this blog. I need to be better about blogging everyday.

There is still a lot of people to pray for from the show Shake it Up.  This will come in the next blog. 

First   I lift up  the family and friends from Whitney Houston Father God comfort them in their time of need. Help them to know that you are close and did not want this to happen but still allow free will. If they do not know your Son and what he did on the Cross for them please reveal to them the Cross and what your Son Jesus Christ did on that Cross. Give them hope and show them your love. Also protect them from the criticisms of the media. In Jesus Name Amen.

I also lift up people in the entertainment industry and people around the world who struggle with drugs. Father God comfort them and pour out your love on them. Show them you are better than drugs and you will take the emptiness and the pain away. Reveal to them what your Son Jesus Christ did on the Cross and give them a revelation when they believe and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior they can be free of drugs and other addictions in Jesus Name Amen.

Father God I also ask you to purify Hollywood from the drug culture and protect the young people and the older people from going down this path. If they are down that path I ask you to reach them and show them they can be set free. Give them a hope and future that is better than this. Father God send your Holy Spirit and convict them of their sins.

I ask that there would be a revival the churches in Hollywood and all of California the world as never seen. Awaken   churches in Hollywood and Santa Monica  and all of California. Awaken church and let go of false beliefs. Father God purify the church in the U.S and around the World. We are the gatekeepers and we let the devil and his kingdom have his way. Father God give the church a desire to once again preach the Gospel and the Cross and the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Give them a desire to preach healing is still for today and speaking in tongues is not of the devil. Church stop being religious and realize the world will change when the church changes. The world does not understand. I need to stop wrestling with flesh and Blood and the church does as well. Read Ephesians 6:12.  The media cannot be changed by our boycotts or judgements. They are not the enemy that is why laws made by man cannot always change things. We are fighting the devil and his kingdom and people believe his lies and that is why they act this way. Yes, they still have responsibilities but how can they know if they do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Thank you God for hearing this prayer. In Jesus Name Amen.

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